Wednesday, March 7, 2012

You Get What you Ask For...

Yesterday I complained about being bored and well today was anything but boring! This morning around 3am I woke up with lower back pain. Thinking that I just need to change positions I tossed and turned a while and then finally got out of bed to use the bathroom and guess what I saw? Blood... After taking a minute to wake up I realized that my back pain was coming and going and my belly was tightening. Once again I was bleeding, contracting and the magnesium sulfate was started for the 4th time now. It felt a little like dejavo. Luckily so far, my contractions have responded very well to the dreaded "mag" and they have stopped almost completely. Once again baby girl looked like a rock star on the monitor and I am now back to having a "stable" amount of bleeding and no longer considered a labor patient. I'm starting to feel like the boy who cried wolf. Being so far away from family and not always knowing if this is it or not, I have Nick and my mom pack bags just in case and have a babysitter on standby and then things calm down. I guess it will happen on the day that I don't have any of those things in place.
This morning when all of this started they did a quick ultrasound to check the position of baby and guess what? She is actually head down! Because she is now head down the doctors are giving me the option of having a vaginal birth after cesarian delivery (VBAC) and they are encouraging me to at least give it a try. Having a VBAC was never something I had even thought about during this pregnancy and I was ok with that. I was ok with my scheduled c-section day, and getting to work until just a couple of days before that date. It was all planned and that sounded great to my slightly OCD need-to-have-a-plan-for-everything personality. Now that I am at a bigger hosptial that handles high risk deliveries routinely, I have the option of having one here. Nothing else about this last trimester of pregnancy has turned out how I thought, so why not just keep going with the flow and at least give it a try when I go into labor? If it doesn't work out, I'll just get the repeat c-section I was planning on.
Today my sweet friend Stacey came to visit and kept me company for a while and then my wonderful mom came to be with me for the afternoon also. I'm so thankful they came to be with me. Even though things had slowed down it was still nice to have someone here with me while my drama was happening. I'm 31 weeks today and as of tomorrow morning I have made it two weeks! Hopefully we can hang on another week, but I'll take days and even hours at this point. It all counts. I'm feeling pretty accomplished to have made it two weeks. Here's to more bored and pregnant days. Cheers!


Jen said...

I had a VBAC with Linnea and it was heavenly! A much easier recovery. I had to fight for it too so I say if they are encouraging it go for it! We love you Reba!