Monday, March 19, 2012


I'm having a few mixed emotions today, this morning when my crew of doctors (UW is a teaching hospital so I always have literally a crew of doctors everyday) made rounds this morning, they told me depending on the results of my ultrasound tomorrow, I may get to go home. WHAT?!?!?!? I was just told last week that they wanted to deliver me at 34 weeks, and the week before that it was 35 weeks, and before that, it as 36-37 weeks and every time they made a new plan, they have stated I wouldn't be going home before I had a baby, period. Now I may be going home? I'm so confused! The only thing I have had a beef with being at this particular hospital is, every week I have new attending physician and every week I have a new plan. It really messes with an emotional pregnant lady's feelings when there is a new plan every week. I haven't had a significant bleed since last Monday, since it has been a whole week they think I may be stable enough to go home. They haven't specified if home is to the hospital in Ellensburg or home to my house but they did say I would continue to be on strict bed rest until I deliver. I would love to go home but at the same time I have some mixed emotions because I have been counting on not leaving here until I have a baby, and now I may be going home still pregnant. Also, I have now used up 3 1/2 weeks of 12 week maternity leave. If I go to full term (39-40 wks, I'm now 32 wks and 5 days) I will have 1 week of leave left. I can extend my leave but I would have to do it without pay and with out insurance paid for not to mention I would really like to be able to enjoy some of my leave with my baby... sigh! I almost wish they wouldn't have even planted this going home bug in my ear until it is really going to happen. I guess we'll see what the plan is tomorrow. I'll keep you posted....