Friday, March 23, 2012

As Dorothy said "There's no place like home"

I have been LOVING every second of being at home with my family. My family especially Nick has been so helpful since I've been home. Me being home doesn't take a whole lot of the load off of him because I can only be so helpful laying/sitting down most of the day. I can read/snuggle/play with Makenna, and fold laundry. So I guess that's something. Yesterday Nick and Mitchell started to work on the nursery and I very much so enjoyed supervising from the couch. :o) We have three bedrooms in our home but I like my living room to much to give up the toy room so we decided to put both girls in the same room. We'll see how well it works out when it comes to sleeping when our new little one is big enough to sleep in the crib instead of the cradle by our bed. While they were putting things together and reorganized furniture I sorted and folded tiny baby clothes. I forgot how tiny and cute they are! It makes me so excited to get to reuse my favorite outfits Makenna wore.
I had my first outing today... to the doctors office. My "new" life is pretty exciting isn't it? I wore real clothes, make up and I blow dried and straightened my hair for the first time exactly 1 month! I felt like the old Reba again. It was great! After not doing literally anything for a month I was shocked to realize how weak I was and how tired my short trip to the doctor made me. I can't imagine how weak woman are who are on lay flat all day bed rest, and don't even get to walk to the bathroom would be after being down like that for days/weeks/months. At least I can sit up for a while each day, walk to the bathroom and take a shower. I have it pretty easy next to those woman for sure.
My doctors appointment went really well. I was so happy to see my doctor again. My doctors at UW were good but there is something to be said about the consistency of having just one doctor. Baby still sounds great. I will have weekly fetal monitoring and ultrasounds for the next few weeks. I will be seen more if needed but that's the plan for now. My next goal is to make it 11 more days until I am 35 weeks along so I can deliver in Ellensburg. We have a little hospital that doesn't have a NICU so we try to only deliver babies that are 35 weeks and over. Obviously there are some situations that we can't avoid delivering before then but more often than not the baby will be shipped after delivery to Yakima or Seattle where they have an adequate NICU if they are before 35 weeks. After I make it past 35 weeks we'll set a delivery date. No point in jinxing anything by scheduling a delivery date before then. Delivering in Ellensburg will mean that I will not get to have a VBAC and at this point, I could care less! I just want a healthy as close to full term baby as possible and I would love nothing more to deliver at the hospital here with my doctor, and all of my nurse friends around me. My doctor and the nurses I work with have been a part of this journey since the very beginning and it would be wonderful to have them there when it ends to.
I am going to keep doing what I've been doing for at LEAST the next 11 days and saying lots of prayers that I will not start bleeding again, go into labor and baby will continue to grow and be happy in the next at least 11 days. Please continue to send prayers and positive energy my way for those specific things. I can be bored and pregnant for at least 11 more days, and she will be SO worth it! I've done this for 30 days now, so what's another 11?