Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Nick finished his finals yesterday, so him and Makenna came over snoqualmie pass this afternoon and they will be on this side of the mountains until the 28th when he goes back to school. Now that Nick is done with school for the quarter and there isn't a snowy mountain pass between us I feel like a ton of stress has been lifted and I can finally relax. I was terrified that something would happen and baby would have to be born and Nick wouldn't make it here in time. Delivering a baby is terrifying enough, I couldn't imagine not having the man I love not there with me and being alone. Now that he will be less than an hour away at anytime I feel ok with baby arriving anytime now. I obviously would like her to keep cooking as long as possible but at least chances are that I won't be alone now.
It was fun having Nick and Makenna here with me for a little bit today. My day is always brightened when my family is here. I feel like my heart is whole again every time they are here. They left early this evening to go celebrate Nick's sister, Amie's 16th birthday! I can't believe she is 16 already! Happy Birthday Amie!
I started another knitting project. I am making a baby hat. I started it yesterday and since I have nothing better to do. It is almost done already. Even though it makes me sound like an old lady I love that I know how to knit now, and I am really enjoying it. It is nice to have learned a new skill. I also know that after this baby comes I won't have much time for knitting for a while so I might as well take advantage of my quiet, alone time and get some projects done.
Other than visitors, the most "exciting" thing that has happened today is that there was a power outage in the hospital. The power came back on fairly quickly but it took almost 2 hours for the ventilation system to be back up. It made my room feel super claustrophobic and hot not having any air moving. No bleeding, and only a few contractions today. It looks like I'll make my goal of 32 weeks tomorrow. :o)


Katamaran said...

So, all this time on your hands, have you given any thought to baby names, or is that a secret until she arrives? :0)

Sara said...

Thinking of you Reba! Glad your family is close by! xoxo