Friday, February 24, 2012


Baby and I made it through our first night at Swedish Hospital and are about to enter our second overnight. Medically, the day was fairly uneventful other than doctors, nurses, ultrasound techs, blood takers, specialists and the like. The million dollar ultrasound machine was finally able to make a clear diagnosis after numerous technicians and radiologists looked it over. I have a larger than tennis ball, but smaller than softball size hematoma (blood clot) near the placenta and near my cervix and is obscuring the view of the of the placenta to determine partial placenta previa (when placenta is covering the opening of the cervix) is there or not. The bleeding is connected to the clot and where the bleeding from the abruption is pooling. I was doing so well earlier, they took me off the magnesium sulfate. This is a medication which controls contractions and also helps the baby's neurological system to mature and prevent cerebral palsy in premature infants. Well, this evening I had another significant bleed. I was immediately put back on the magnesium. Boo! This medication makes you feel terrible with nausea, headache, hot flashes, and all over flu like symptoms. So, I am confined to bed, flat on my back and feeling overall icky! But if it is for my baby's benefit I can do anything! However, there is good news too. Baby seems completely oblivious to all that is going on around her. She is kicking up a storm and according the doctor, she is a total "ROCK STAR" on the fetal heart monitor. I'm thankful I am secure in my little room. Outside my door is a hive of activity. Lots of Moms and babes with issues. I don't want to catch the frenzy of what is going on here. The best part of my day happened when the cutest little girl in the world got to come and visit me at the hospital thanks to her Nana and Papa. We snuggled, played, told stories and she fell asleep lying next to me in my hospital bed. Thank you Miss Makenna! I know many of you are wondering about how long I have to stay here. The simple answer is, the doctors have no idea. Right now they are saying I have to stay until I have had NO bleeding for at least a week. So, we are counting each day that baby stays in as a blessing. The longer the better. We'd like to shoot for full term which would be 7 more weeks, but we will take each day as it comes and continue to know the Lord has this all under control. Continued prayers are welcome and solicited. Thank you for the overwhelming support and outreach to my family! Love to you all!


Nichole Gaertner said...

YOU and baby are both rock stars! Keep up the positive attitude mama's! You're in our prayers! :)

Lane's said...

SOO glad to hear your baby is still a happy in-utero baby! Still praying for you Reba, The Big Man upstairs is taking good care of you guys!

BerryFunFamily said...

Wow! You are such a strong person Reba! You and the baby are in our prayers. Hope you get lots of rest.