Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Isnt she beautiful??

Nope not me... I'm looking a little frightening these days sans make up and finished hair but that is part of the joy of bed rest I suppose. I'm talking about my baby that I am thankfully still pregnant with. (yay!) I had an ultrasound this morning. Baby is measuring 4 lbs 8 oz already. Which is in the 96% and measures the average size of a baby about 2 weeks farther along. They are happy she is good size. If she is born early she won't be the runt of the NICU by any means. :o) they haven't told me the results of the other things from the ultrasound they were looking for yet, like the about of amniotic fluid, the size of the blood clot, or if they were able to determine the exact position of the placenta. When they let me know I'll fill you all in. I had no bleeding through the night but I've had some bleeding since the ultrasound but baby is still looking good on the monitor which is nice to hear. I'll post more later but that's my update for now! Love to all! Thank you for the thoughts and prayers!


ericksonzone said...

Yay! That is good to hear that baby looks good. And way to go baby that she is measuring two weeks farther along. That is so awesome considering that she'll probably make an early entrance. :)

Carole said...

So glad we have big babies! Keep on growing little one! Nana and Papa love you!

suepeterson710 said...

Wow. It's amazing she's 4 and a half pounds already. Do you think they may have your original date wrong? But it's good that she's that big.
Hang in there. Thoughts and prayers coming your way.