Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Special Visitors

Last Friday Nick's Mom, Aunt Debbie and cousin Danny came to visit us. Debbie and Danny live in Salt Lake City, Utah and last week they were visiting Nick's family during their vacation. They were nice enough to come to E-burg to see us during their visit. We were so busy last week and it was a huge blessing that they were able to come to us! Since they were here and wouldn't see Makenna on Halloween day we put her in her costume for some pictures.
Our flying bumble bee! Or as Makenna says "bum bum bee"
Makenna LOVES Danny!! They played together the whole time and Danny made all kinds of new games up for them to play. Including beat Danny with the tupperware, lovingly of course!
It was Grandpa Paul's birthday so we stopped at their house for a few minutes and Makenna showed us how perfect her costume is for her, because she is one BUSY bee!
Makenna and Aunt Debbie got to meet for the first time during this visit! They really liked each other to!
Of course we couldn't leave Grandma Sherrie out of the picture taking because she was there too!
Thank you SO much for coming to visit us on your vacation! We hope we get to see you again very soon!!