Sunday, April 25, 2010

3 Months Old Today

Makenna is 3 months old today! I weighed her yesterday and she now weighs 12 pounds and today she rolled over for the first time today! She is growing up so fast and is such a joy to have in our lives. I am so blessed to be her Mama!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Meet Makenna's cousins
This dashingly hansome 3 year old is Jared. He loves reading and writing letters, cars (especially mustangs), M&M's, playing soccer aka kicking a ball with whoever will kick it back at him and showing off how fast he can run.
This blue-eyed, curly haired beauty is Allyson. She loves to snuggle, play with her brother, jump on my parents bed, squeel to hear her own voice and her monkey Dangles.
This past week Jared, Ally and Makenna got to spend some time together at my parents house. Ally is really starting to be curious about baby Makenna. She walks up to her acts like she is going to touch her, squeels and then runs away or tries playing peek-a-boo with Makenna. It is really cute seeing her warm up to Makenna more and more. She is going to make a great big sister soon.
Jared so far has been really sweet with Makenna. He likes to give her kisses and help me with whatever I'm doing for her. He often asks to hold her and likes to ask a lot of questions about her. The latest question he asked while helping me change her diaper was "Why her have no pee-penis?"
Right after I laid Makenna down on her play mat, I went to wash my hands and I came back to this. Jared was "helping" her hit her toys and Ally just thought it would be fun to join in to. As you can see Makenna wasn't super thrilled about it. Don't worry, as soon as I got a picture I rescued her. This was just to darn cute to not get a picture of.
I hope that as they get older they will get to be great friends and always look forward to seeing eachother as I did with my cousins growing up.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Catching Up

Our little Makenna is growing like a weed! I haven't weighed her lately but I know she weighs quite a bit more than the 9 pounds 10.5 ounces she was at her two month check up. I'm betting she is getting close to 11 pounds now. I took this picture last night during naked baby time. Every night around 8 she gets crabby and the only thing that seems to make her happy is stripping her down to her diaper and letting her play on the floor "naked" for a while before jammies and bed.
Check out that chub! Sooo cute!

She is 12 weeks old today which means one bittersweet thing for me, I'm back to work on Thursday. I am excited to go back to work. I love my job and I really enjoy the people I work with but at the same time I LOVE being home with Makenna. I think I'll have a hard time the first couple of weeks but I'm sure it will get better. It helps that everyone she will be with I trust and know that she will be in good hands and I only work 3 days a week (12 hour shifts) so I'm home more then I'm away. Now to play a bit of catch up from the last couple of weeks.


We spent Easter with my family and kept things pretty low key. We had a big family dinner and later had an Easter egg hunt for the kids. I'm excited that next year Makenna will get to be a part of it.

Here she is in her pretty Easter dress.

The Sabin Family

Makenna and cousin Jared. Check out that smile!


The girls did NOT want their pictures taken. Jared thought it was cool as long as he got to wear his shades. What a stud!

Makenna of course had to have a blow out TWICE on Easter luckily not in her pretty dress but in both her Easter outfit and her extra outfit. Luckily I had jammies in the diaper bag to. Here she is taking a bath in the sink at Nana and Papa's house. She won't fit in that sink much longer!

Cuddling in her bunny jammies and her new ducky she got in her Easter basket.

~New Camera~
We got a new camera last week, we have been wanting one for a long time but things never seemed to work out financially. We got a decent tax return this year so we were able to finally get our camera we have been wanting for a long time! We are still learning how to use it to take really nice pictures. Good thing it is pretty user friendly. Here are some pretty pictures we have taken of our little Makenna Grace.
This is my favorite picture! She is such a sweet baby girl!

Cutie pie!

Makenna loves eating her hands. Evidently they taste delicious!

Her play mat is probably the best toy for new babies! She kicks and plays for over an hour sometimes! She thinks it is just the best!

After researching jogging strollers for what seemed like forever. I finally made up my mind and bought a stroller. Here is Makenna after our maiden voyage. She just woke up, she slept the whole time.

Bright Eyes!

Bath time is Makenna's very favorite! She splashes and kicks and has so much fun!

Fresh from the tub! I love her little smerk!